International Montessori Partnership
According to the decision of UNESCO, the name of Maria Montessori was includ-ed in a short (only 4 surnames) list of teachers who determined the way of peda-gogical thinking of the 20th century. The 21 st century is confidently pacing the planet, and the ideas of the great Italian lady conquer more and more followers and supporters around the world. The number of teachers is growing; the interest of parents is growing. And what is the essence of Montessori pedagogy? What is its difference from the usual approaches in education? What is the child's space development plan? How to bring it him according to his purpose?
If you are familiar with the ideas of free pedagogy, if you want to know more about the method of Montessori, if you are ready to develop your child in accordance with his unique development plan, we invite you to the master class "Understanding Montessori".
You have a wonderful chance to get answers to your questions!
Elena Timoshenko
a psychologist,
a Montessori teacher (Seton Montessori Institute, Chicago, USA and Montessori Institute Prague, Prague, the Czech Republic),
an editor-in-chief of the Montessori Press magazine,
an author of such books as “Miracle of Montessori”, “Your Child is in the Kitchen”,
an author of innovative educational projects.
It will be possible to purchase books by Elena Timoshenko on the master class "The Miracle of Montessori" and "Your Child is in the Kitchen" with the author's signature
3 days of diving with the author of the best-selling book "The Miracle of Montessori"
Unique photos and video materials from Elena Timoshenko, who studied the ex-perience of Montessori schools in 18 countries of the world , including the Neth-erlands, the USA, Germany, Italy, China, Taiwan, Mexico, Korea, the Czech Re-public, Poland, Finland, Belorussia, Turkey, Georgia and so on.
Practical exercises and observations: how to bring up and educate children with-out evaluation/marks, rewards and punishments
Discussion in groups
Lessons - diving and more
You are the parents of children from 0 to 12 years old and want to use the best methods in your child’s upbringing
You are only planning to become a parent, but now you are thinking about giving the best to the baby
You know exactly that this method is for you and you want to develop your child from birth by using the principles of humane pedagogy of Montessori
You are a teacher, and you are interested in learning about the features and dif-ferences of Montessori approaches in education/upbringing
You are in doubt, and want to get an understanding of the essence of the Montes-sori system from a child development expert
You are a Montessori teacher, and you have to communicate with parents and discuss different pedagogical approaches in upbringing
You plan to open your Montessori center or school and want to know about the advantages of the Montessori Method
You have heard about the method, and you want to receive information from an expert
You are tired of experimenting in upbringing and are ready to trust a proven technique that has proven itself for more than a hundred years
You have accumulated a lot of questions about the upbringing of children and you are ready to discuss them from the standpoint of free pedagogy
13th of October
Introduction. What brought you here?
Presentation of the lecturer.
Why Montessori? Montessori in XXI century.
Advantages of the Montessori Method.
Who was M.Montessori? Her place in the system of education.
14th of October
The child as a person.
Theoretical basis of the Montessori Method.
Four plans of development.
Sensitive periods.
The spiritual embryo.
Practical life — group work — cooking presentation. Cooking class.
Lunch together.
Independent child.
Prominent alumni of Montessori schools.
Myths about the Montessori pedagogy.
15th of October
Teacher. A mentor, a guide, a servant. The role of the teacher. The role of the parent.
The environment. The environment in the class and environment at home.
Montessori methodology.
Observation — the main tool mentor.
Space education.
Research (space) — theory and communication with the observations.
How are they trained/educated in Montessori? Space education.
Geography. History.
Montessori schools and organizations.
Montessori in the world today.
We will dive and learn how to feel, analyze and observe, discuss and make discoveries.
Friends, we are looking forward to meeting you!
Sign up. Come by yourself. Bring colleagues and friends
Sofia, Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria